1 Circle the phrase まるで囲む
Circle the titles of the article and the graphs with a red pencil or
a red pen. This helps students keep the outline in mind while reading
a long article.
2 Connect with a line 線で結ぶ
After that, draw a line connecting the circled titles. This enables
students to understand the relationship between the graphs and the
writing in the article while reading.
3 A line in the air エアーライン
In the case that they can’t connect the title with a line because they
are on different pages, they can demonstrate that they are connected
using a line leading off the page.
4 Extra プラスアルファ
Add the following procedures while keeping in mind the students’
working memory capacity.
Have students find the title of the word problem, circle it and copy
it on the upper part of their answer sheet.
Have them circle the keywords that are necessary in order to answer
the questions.